T H E  N E W  H A N D S H A K E


Many people over 65 suffer from a condition known as atrial fibrillation, which causes an irregular pulse and the formation of small air bubbles in the heart. These air bubbles can be pumped into the body and potentially lead to a blood clot in the brain, given the thin nature of the blood vessels. Fortunately, there is a straightforward solution to this issue: doctors can detect atrial fibrillation by feeling the patient's pulse for 30 seconds.


"30 sekunder der kan mærkes": A new handshake between doctor and patient. We created a video that was showcased on social media and at workshops organized by Pfizer across the country. Additionally, we provided medical practices with a poster as a reminder to check for atrial fibrillation. I was a part of both the concept and ideation process, and I also created the universe and drew all the illustrations.